Bringing Sherry vom Kirschental to the USA was a dream come true for us. We are proud to have had a dog of this caliber at stud. Sherry proved himself in work, earning SchH3 AND his HGH at just 3 years old. He was a 2X Sieger at the BSZS in HGH males 2006/07.
Sherry produced his signature deep red and black pigment, unflappable character, work ethic, and stamped himself in his progeny. The quality he produced was evident at the Canadian Sieger Show in 2008 when his progeny group, including several class winners, was 1st place, ahead of the VA dogs who also presented groups.
Sherry's sire is 2x VA1, Yasko Farbenspiel. (Yasko has also produced a VA1, Larus Batu. And Yasko is a son of VA1 Ursus vom Batu) Sherry's mother, Aische is the best producing female at Kirschental in recent years. (She produced HGH Siegerin 2004 Tinkie Kirschental, mother of 2007 SG1 Panjo vom Kirschental, & 2x HGH Siegerin Lailana Kirschental, among others)
These bloodlines produce! Sherry has been the cornerstone of our breeding program, we owe all our success to him and to our foundation Kirschental females. We are now in our 6th generation of their descendents.
(VA1 Yasko Farbenspiel X V Aische vom Kirschental)
Our dogs live in our home, not in a kennel. Our puppies are well socialized and handled all the time. By the time a pup goes home to you, he or she has already met sheep, horses, children, and been raised in a stimulating environment. We love our furry family members, and we know you will too!
We invite you to take a look at our girls and learn more about our philosophy by clicking on the appropriate categories. ** Please note that some of our pages are very photo intensive - so please don't give up on them! **
View of the Puppy Nursery.
One of our lovely fields.
The home where Traumhof originated.
The Whelping Box.
© Traumhof, 2006-2023; No pictures or wording can be taken without express written permission from site owner. Contact us at :
Traumhof German Shepherd Dogs is a small breeding program, originally developed at our former home, Dream Weaver Farm. (The German word "Traum" = Dream). At Traumhof, we believe the German Shepherd Dog should work as he was originally intended to, and our dogs are bred with this goal in mind. Our dogs are 100% German lines.
We strive to produce highly trainable, intelligent dogs with good looks. Good health and good hips goes without saying, as a dog with poor hips and poor movement would have trouble working/herding sheep all day long!
We aim to produce a "Golden Middle" dog, embodying both good looks and a good working brain! Our search for the perfect foundation led us to the bloodlines of Karl & Marion Fuller's Kirschental kennels, in Germany. The wonderful Kirschental lines, respected the world over, are the pillar of our program.